macro_rules! fixed_const {
Self = $Self:ident,
Signedness = $Signedness:ident,
LeEqU = $LeEqU:ident,
[nm4 ..= n] = [$nm4:literal, $nm3:literal, $nm2:literal, $nm1:literal, $n:literal],
[LeEqUC0 ..= LeEqUC3] = [$LeEqUC0:ident, $LeEqUC1:ident, $LeEqUC2:ident, $LeEqUC3:ident],
) => {
impl<Frac: Unsigned> $Self<Frac> {
const fn from_const<SrcFrac: Unsigned>(src: FixedU128<SrcFrac>) -> $Self<Frac> {
let right = SrcFrac::U32 - Frac::U32;
let bits128 = if right == 128 {
} else {
src.to_bits() >> right
$Self::from_bits(bits128 as _)
comment! {
"This block contains constants in the range 0 < <i>x</i> < 0.5.
# Examples
use fixed::{consts, types::extra::U", $n, ", ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U", $n, ">;
assert_eq!(Fix::LOG10_2, Fix::from_num(consts::LOG10_2));
impl<Frac: $LeEqU> $Self<Frac> {
pub const FRAC_1_TAU: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_1_TAU);
pub const FRAC_2_TAU: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_2_TAU);
pub const FRAC_PI_8: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_PI_8);
pub const FRAC_1_PI: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_1_PI);
pub const LOG10_2: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::LOG10_2);
pub const LOG10_E: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::LOG10_E);
comment! {
"This block contains constants in the range 0.5 ≤ <i>x</i> < 1",
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
", and −1.
These constants are not representable in signed fixed-point numbers with less
than 1 integer bit"
# Examples
use fixed::{consts, types::extra::U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm1, $n),
", ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm1, $n),
assert_eq!(Fix::LN_2, Fix::from_num(consts::LN_2));
assert!(0.5 <= Fix::LN_2 && Fix::LN_2 < 1);
if_signed_else_empty_str! {
The following example fails to compile, since the maximum
representable value with ", $n, " fractional bits and 0 integer
bits is < 0.5.
use fixed::{consts, types::extra::U", $n, ", ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U", $n, ">;
let _ = Fix::LN_2;
impl<Frac: Unsigned> $Self<Frac>
Frac: IsLessOrEqual<$LeEqUC0, Output = True>,
if_signed! {
comment! {
"Negative one.
# Examples
use fixed::{types::extra::U", $nm1, ", ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U", $nm1, ">;
assert_eq!(Fix::NEG_ONE, Fix::from_num(-1));
The following would fail as
<code>[", stringify!($Self), "]<[U", $nm1, "]></code>
cannot represent 1, so there is no
<code>[", stringify!($Self), "]::<[U", $nm1, "]>::[ONE]</code>.
[ONE]: ", stringify!($Self), "::ONE
use fixed::{types::extra::U", $nm1, ", ", stringify!($Self), "};
const _ERROR: ", stringify!($Self), "<U", $nm1, "> = ", stringify!($Self), "::ONE.unwrapped_neg();
pub const NEG_ONE: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_bits(-1 << Frac::U32);
pub const FRAC_TAU_8: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_TAU_8);
pub const FRAC_TAU_12: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_TAU_12);
pub const FRAC_4_TAU: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_4_TAU);
pub const FRAC_PI_4: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_PI_4);
pub const FRAC_PI_6: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_PI_6);
pub const FRAC_2_PI: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_2_PI);
pub const FRAC_1_SQRT_PI: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_1_SQRT_PI);
pub const FRAC_1_SQRT_2: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_1_SQRT_2);
pub const FRAC_1_SQRT_3: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_1_SQRT_3);
pub const LN_2: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::LN_2);
pub const FRAC_1_PHI: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_1_PHI);
pub const GAMMA: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::GAMMA);
pub const CATALAN: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::CATALAN);
comment! {
"This block contains constants in the range 1 ≤ <i>x</i> < 2.
These constants are not representable in ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, "signed", "unsigned"),
" fixed-point numbers with less than ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, "2 integer bits", "1 integer bit"),
# Examples
use fixed::{consts, types::extra::U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm2, $nm1),
", ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm2, $nm1),
assert_eq!(Fix::LOG2_E, Fix::from_num(consts::LOG2_E));
assert!(1 <= Fix::LOG2_E && Fix::LOG2_E < 2);
The following example fails to compile, since the maximum
representable value with ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm1, $n),
" fractional bits and ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, "1 integer bit", "0 integer bits"),
" is < 1.
use fixed::{consts, types::extra::U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm1, $n),
", ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm1, $n),
let _ = Fix::LOG2_E;
impl<Frac: Unsigned> $Self<Frac>
Frac: IsLessOrEqual<$LeEqUC1, Output = True>,
comment! {
# Examples
use fixed::{types::extra::U4, ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U4>;
assert_eq!(Fix::ONE, Fix::from_num(1));
pub const ONE: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_bits(1 << Frac::U32);
pub const FRAC_TAU_4: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_TAU_4);
pub const FRAC_TAU_6: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_TAU_6);
pub const FRAC_PI_2: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_PI_2);
pub const FRAC_PI_3: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_PI_3);
pub const SQRT_PI: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::SQRT_PI);
pub const FRAC_2_SQRT_PI: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_2_SQRT_PI);
pub const SQRT_2: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::SQRT_2);
pub const SQRT_3: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::SQRT_3);
pub const SQRT_E: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::SQRT_E);
pub const LOG2_E: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::LOG2_E);
pub const PHI: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::PHI);
pub const SQRT_PHI: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::SQRT_PHI);
comment! {
"This block contains constants in the range 2 ≤ <i>x</i> < 4.
These constants are not representable in ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, "signed", "unsigned"),
" fixed-point numbers with less than ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, 3, 2),
" integer bits.
# Examples
use fixed::{consts, types::extra::U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm3, $nm2),
", ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm3, $nm2),
assert_eq!(Fix::E, Fix::from_num(consts::E));
assert!(2 <= Fix::E && Fix::E < 4);
The following example fails to compile, since the maximum
representable value with ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm2, $nm1),
" fractional bits and ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, "2 integer bits", "1 integer bit"),
" is < 2.
use fixed::{consts, types::extra::U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm2, $nm1),
", ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm2, $nm1),
let _ = Fix::E;
impl<Frac: Unsigned> $Self<Frac>
Frac: IsLessOrEqual<$LeEqUC2, Output = True>,
pub const FRAC_TAU_2: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_TAU_2);
pub const FRAC_TAU_3: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::FRAC_TAU_3);
pub const PI: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::PI);
pub const E: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::E);
pub const LOG2_10: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::LOG2_10);
pub const LN_10: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::LN_10);
comment! {
"This block contains constants in the range 4 ≤ <i>x</i> < 8.
These constants are not representable in ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, "signed", "unsigned"),
" fixed-point numbers with less than ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, 4, 3),
" integer bits.
# Examples
use fixed::{consts, types::extra::U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm4, $nm3),
", ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm4, $nm3),
assert_eq!(Fix::TAU, Fix::from_num(consts::TAU));
assert!(4 <= Fix::TAU && Fix::TAU < 8);
The following example fails to compile, since the maximum
representable value with ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm3, $nm2),
" fractional bits and ",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, 3, 2),
" integer bits is < 4.
use fixed::{consts, types::extra::U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm3, $nm2),
", ", stringify!($Self), "};
type Fix = ", stringify!($Self), "<U",
if_signed_unsigned!($Signedness, $nm3, $nm2),
let _ = Fix::TAU;
impl<Frac: Unsigned> $Self<Frac>
Frac: IsLessOrEqual<$LeEqUC3, Output = True>,
pub const TAU: $Self<Frac> = Self::from_const(consts::TAU);