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#![doc = include_str!("docs.md")]
extern crate alloc;
use core::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use core::ops::DerefMut;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
/// Mode of deallocating memory regions
enum Allocation<D> {
/// Native allocation
// A foreign allocator and its ref count
/// A continuous memory region that may be allocated externally.
/// In the most common case, this is created from [`Vec`].
/// However, this region may also be allocated by a foreign allocator `D`
/// and behave as `&[T]`.
pub struct ForeignVec<D, T> {
/// An implementation using an `enum` of a `Vec` or a foreign pointer is not used
/// because `deref` is at least 50% more expensive than the deref of a `Vec`.
data: ManuallyDrop<Vec<T>>,
/// the region was allocated
allocation: Allocation<D>,
impl<D, T> ForeignVec<D, T> {
/// Takes ownership of an allocated memory region.
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if and only if pointer is not null
/// # Safety
/// This function is safe if and only if `ptr` is valid for `length`
/// # Implementation
/// This function leaks if and only if `owner` does not deallocate
/// the region `[ptr, ptr+length[` when dropped.
pub unsafe fn from_foreign(ptr: *const T, length: usize, owner: D) -> Self {
// This line is technically outside the assumptions of `Vec::from_raw_parts`, since
// `ptr` was not allocated by `Vec`. However, one of the invariants of this struct
// is that we do never expose this region as a `Vec`; we only use `Vec` on it to provide
// immutable access to the region (via `Vec::deref` to `&[T]`).
let data = Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr as *mut T, length, length);
let data = ManuallyDrop::new(data);
Self {
allocation: Allocation::Foreign(owner),
/// Returns a `Some` mutable reference of [`Vec<T>`] iff this was initialized
/// from a [`Vec<T>`] and `None` otherwise.
pub fn get_vec(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Vec<T>> {
match &self.allocation {
Allocation::Foreign(_) => None,
Allocation::Native => Some(self.data.deref_mut()),
impl<D, T> Drop for ForeignVec<D, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
match self.allocation {
Allocation::Foreign(_) => {
// the foreign is dropped via its `Drop`
Allocation::Native => {
let data = core::mem::take(&mut self.data);
let _ = ManuallyDrop::into_inner(data);
impl<D, T> core::ops::Deref for ForeignVec<D, T> {
type Target = [T];
fn deref(&self) -> &[T] {
impl<D, T: core::fmt::Debug> core::fmt::Debug for ForeignVec<D, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
core::fmt::Debug::fmt(&**self, f)
impl<D, T> From<Vec<T>> for ForeignVec<D, T> {
fn from(data: Vec<T>) -> Self {
Self {
data: ManuallyDrop::new(data),
allocation: Allocation::Native,