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use crate::components::MediaType;
use super::Asset3D;
impl Asset3D {
/// Creates a new [`Asset3D`] from the file contents at `path`.
/// The [`MediaType`] will first be guessed from the file extension, then from the file
/// contents if needed.
/// If no [`MediaType`] can be guessed at the moment, the Rerun Viewer will try to guess one
/// from the data at render-time. If it can't, rendering will fail with an error.
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub fn from_file(filepath: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
use anyhow::Context as _;
let filepath = filepath.as_ref();
let contents = std::fs::read(filepath)
.with_context(|| format!("could not read file contents: {filepath:?}"))?;
/// Creates a new [`Asset3D`] from the given `contents`.
/// The [`MediaType`] will be guessed from magic bytes in the data.
/// If no [`MediaType`] can be guessed at the moment, the Rerun Viewer will try to guess one
/// from the data at render-time. If it can't, rendering will fail with an error.
pub fn from_file_contents(contents: Vec<u8>, media_type: Option<impl Into<MediaType>>) -> Self {
let media_type = media_type.map(Into::into);
let media_type = MediaType::or_guess_from_data(media_type, &contents);
Self {
blob: contents.into(),
transform: None,