FreemoVR - Virtual Reality for Freely Moving Animals

FreemoVR is a Virtual Reality (VR) system for freely moving animals. Read the paper:

Stowers JR*, Hofbauer M*, Bastien R, Griessner J⁑, Higgins P⁑, Farooqui S⁑, Fischer RM, Nowikovsky K, Haubensak W, Couzin ID, Tessmar-Raible K✎, Straw AD✎. Virtual Reality for Freely Moving Animals. Nature Methods 14, 995–1002 (2017) doi:10.1038/nmeth.4399 [FreemoVR website]

* Equal contribution, ⁑ Equal contribution, ✎ Correspondence to: Kristin Tessmar-Raible and Andrew D Straw

Press information (press release, photos, videos) can be found here.


The FreemoVR system consists of several pieces:

FreemoVR derives from software known as FlyVR, and some relevant information can still be found at the FlyVR website.