Struct mp4ra_rust::BoxCode

source ·
pub struct BoxCode(pub FourCC);
Expand description

Codes for for ISO-family box entries within an MP4 file.

See also,

Tuple Fields§

§0: FourCC



impl BoxCode

pub const AINF: BoxCode = _

Asset information to identify, license and play

FourCC: ainf

Specification: DECE

pub const ASSP: BoxCode = _

alternative startup sequence properties

FourCC: assp

Specification: ISO

pub const AVCN: BoxCode = _

AVC NAL Unit Storage Box

FourCC: avcn

Specification: DECE

pub const BIDX: BoxCode = _

Box Index

FourCC: bidx

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const BLOC: BoxCode = _

Base location and purchase location for license acquisition

FourCC: bloc

Specification: DECE

pub const BMDM: BoxCode = _

Buffer Model Description

FourCC: bmdm

Specification: JPXS

pub const BPCC: BoxCode = _

Bits per component

FourCC: bpcc

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const BUFF: BoxCode = _

Buffering information

FourCC: buff

Specification: NALu Video

pub const BXML: BoxCode = _

binary XML container

FourCC: bxml

Specification: ISO

pub const CCID: BoxCode = _

OMA DRM Content ID

FourCC: ccid

Specification: OMA DRM 2.1

pub const CDEF: BoxCode = _

type and ordering of the components within the codestream

FourCC: cdef

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const CINF: BoxCode = _

complete track information

FourCC: cinf

Specification: ISO

pub const CLIP: BoxCode = _


FourCC: clip

Specification: ISO

pub const CMAP: BoxCode = _

mapping between a palette and codestream components

FourCC: cmap

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const CO64: BoxCode = _

64-bit chunk offset

FourCC: co64

Specification: ISO

pub const COIN: BoxCode = _

Content Information Box

FourCC: coin

Specification: DECE

pub const COLR: BoxCode = _

specifies the colourspace of the image

FourCC: colr

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const CRGN: BoxCode = _


FourCC: crgn

Specification: ISO

pub const CRHD: BoxCode = _

reserved for ClockReferenceStream header

FourCC: crhd

Specification: MP4v1

pub const CSGP: BoxCode = _

compact sample to group

FourCC: csgp

Specification: ISO

pub const CSLG: BoxCode = _

composition to decode timeline mapping

FourCC: cslg

Specification: ISO

pub const CSTB: BoxCode = _

corrected wall clock start time

FourCC: cstb

Specification: ONVIF

pub const CTAB: BoxCode = _


FourCC: ctab

Specification: ISO

pub const CTTS: BoxCode = _

(composition) time to sample

FourCC: ctts

Specification: ISO

pub const CVRU: BoxCode = _


FourCC: cvru

Specification: OMA DRM 2.1

pub const DIHD: BoxCode = _

Data Integrity Hash

FourCC: dihd

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const DINF: BoxCode = _

data information box, container

FourCC: dinf

Specification: ISO

pub const DINT: BoxCode = _

Data Integrity

FourCC: dint

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const DMON: BoxCode = _

Mastering Display Metadata

FourCC: dmon

Specification: JPXS

pub const DREF: BoxCode = _

data reference box, declares source(s) of media data in track

FourCC: dref

Specification: ISO

pub const DSGD: BoxCode = _

DVB Sample Group Description Box

FourCC: dsgd

Specification: DVB

pub const DSTG: BoxCode = _

DVB Sample to Group Box

FourCC: dstg

Specification: DVB

pub const EDTS: BoxCode = _

edit list container

FourCC: edts

Specification: ISO

pub const ELST: BoxCode = _

an edit list

FourCC: elst

Specification: ISO

pub const EMSG: BoxCode = _

event message

FourCC: emsg

Specification: DASH

pub const EVTI: BoxCode = _

Event information

FourCC: evti

Specification: ATSC 3.0

pub const ETYP: BoxCode = _

extended type and type combination

FourCC: etyp

Specification: ISO

pub const EXIF: BoxCode = _

Exif Metadata

FourCC: Exif

Specification: JPXS

pub const FDEL: BoxCode = _

File delivery information (item info extension)

FourCC: fdel

Specification: ISO

pub const FECI: BoxCode = _

FEC Informatiom

FourCC: feci

Specification: ISO

pub const FECR: BoxCode = _

FEC Reservoir

FourCC: fecr

Specification: ISO

pub const FIDX: BoxCode = _

Box File Index

FourCC: fidx

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const FIIN: BoxCode = _

FD Item Information

FourCC: fiin

Specification: ISO

pub const FIRE: BoxCode = _

File Reservoir

FourCC: fire

Specification: ISO

pub const FPAR: BoxCode = _

File Partition

FourCC: fpar

Specification: ISO

pub const FREE: BoxCode = _

free space

FourCC: free

Specification: ISO

pub const FRMA: BoxCode = _

original format box

FourCC: frma

Specification: ISO

pub const FRPA: BoxCode = _

Front Part

FourCC: frpa

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const FTYP: BoxCode = _

file type and compatibility

FourCC: ftyp

Specification: ISO

pub const GITN: BoxCode = _

Group ID to name

FourCC: gitn

Specification: ISO

pub const GRPI: BoxCode = _


FourCC: grpi

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const GRPL: BoxCode = _

Groups List box

FourCC: grpl

Specification: HEIF

pub const HDLR: BoxCode = _

handler, declares the media (handler) type

FourCC: hdlr

Specification: ISO

pub const HMHD: BoxCode = _

hint media header, overall information (hint track only)

FourCC: hmhd

Specification: ISO

pub const HPIX: BoxCode = _

Hipix Rich Picture (user-data or meta-data)

FourCC: hpix

Specification: Hipix

pub const ICNU: BoxCode = _


FourCC: icnu

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const ID32: BoxCode = _

ID3 version 2 container

FourCC: ID32

Specification: id3v2

pub const IDAT: BoxCode = _

Item data

FourCC: idat

Specification: ISO

pub const IHDR: BoxCode = _

Image Header

FourCC: ihdr

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const IINF: BoxCode = _

item information

FourCC: iinf

Specification: ISO

pub const ILOC: BoxCode = _

item location

FourCC: iloc

Specification: ISO

pub const IMAP: BoxCode = _


FourCC: imap

Specification: ISO

pub const IMDA: BoxCode = _

Identified media data

FourCC: imda

Specification: ISO

pub const IMIF: BoxCode = _

IPMP Information box

FourCC: imif

Specification: ISO

pub const INFE: BoxCode = _

Item information entry

FourCC: infe

Specification: ISO

pub const INFU: BoxCode = _


FourCC: infu

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const IODS: BoxCode = _

Object Descriptor container box

FourCC: iods

Specification: MP4v1

pub const IPCO: BoxCode = _


FourCC: ipco

Specification: HEIF

pub const IPHD: BoxCode = _

reserved for IPMP Stream header

FourCC: iphd

Specification: MP4v1

pub const IPMA: BoxCode = _


FourCC: ipma

Specification: HEIF

pub const IPMC: BoxCode = _

IPMP Control Box

FourCC: ipmc

Specification: ISO

pub const IPRO: BoxCode = _

item protection

FourCC: ipro

Specification: ISO

pub const IPRP: BoxCode = _

Item Properties Box

FourCC: iprp

Specification: HEIF

pub const IREF: BoxCode = _

Item reference

FourCC: iref

Specification: ISO

pub const J2KH: BoxCode = _

JPEG 2000 header info

FourCC: j2kH

Specification: J2KHEIF

pub const J2KP: BoxCode = _

JPEG 2000 prefix

FourCC: j2kP

Specification: J2KHEIF

pub const JP: BoxCode = _

JPEG 2000 Signature

FourCC: jP

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const JP2C: BoxCode = _

JPEG 2000 contiguous codestream

FourCC: jp2c

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const JP2H: BoxCode = _


FourCC: jp2h

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const JP2I: BoxCode = _

intellectual property information

FourCC: jp2i

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const JXL: BoxCode = _

JPEG XL Signature


Specification: JPEG XL

pub const JXLC: BoxCode = _

JPEG XL Codestream

FourCC: jxlc

Specification: JPEG XL

pub const JXLI: BoxCode = _

JPEG XL Frame Index

FourCC: jxli

Specification: JPEG XL

pub const JXLP: BoxCode = _

JPEG XL Partial Codestream

FourCC: jxlp

Specification: JPEG XL

pub const JPVI: BoxCode = _

JPEG XS Video Information

FourCC: jpvi

Specification: JPXS

pub const JPVS: BoxCode = _

JPEG XS Video Support

FourCC: jpvs

Specification: JPXS

pub const JPTP: BoxCode = _

JPEG XS Video Transport Parameter

FourCC: jptp

Specification: JPXS

pub const JXS: BoxCode = _

JPEG XS Signature


Specification: JPXS

pub const JXPL: BoxCode = _

JPEG XS Profile and Level

FourCC: jxpl

Specification: JPXS

pub const KMAT: BoxCode = _


FourCC: kmat

Specification: ISO

pub const LEVA: BoxCode = _

Leval assignment

FourCC: leva

Specification: ISO

pub const LOAD: BoxCode = _


FourCC: load

Specification: ISO

pub const LOOP: BoxCode = _

Looping behavior

FourCC: loop

Specification: WhatsApp

pub const LRCU: BoxCode = _


FourCC: lrcu

Specification: OMA DRM 2.1

pub const M7HD: BoxCode = _

reserved for MPEG7Stream header

FourCC: m7hd

Specification: MP4v1

pub const MATT: BoxCode = _


FourCC: matt

Specification: ISO

pub const MD5I: BoxCode = _


FourCC: md5i

Specification: HEIF

pub const MDAT: BoxCode = _

media data container

FourCC: mdat

Specification: ISO

pub const MDHD: BoxCode = _

media header, overall information about the media

FourCC: mdhd

Specification: ISO

pub const MDIA: BoxCode = _

container for the media information in a track

FourCC: mdia

Specification: ISO

pub const MDRI: BoxCode = _

Mutable DRM information

FourCC: mdri

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const MECO: BoxCode = _

additional metadata container

FourCC: meco

Specification: ISO

pub const MEHD: BoxCode = _

movie extends header box

FourCC: mehd

Specification: ISO

pub const MERE: BoxCode = _

metabox relation

FourCC: mere

Specification: ISO

pub const META: BoxCode = _

Metadata container

FourCC: meta

Specification: ISO

pub const MFHD: BoxCode = _

movie fragment header

FourCC: mfhd

Specification: ISO

pub const MFRA: BoxCode = _

Movie fragment random access

FourCC: mfra

Specification: ISO

pub const MFRO: BoxCode = _

Movie fragment random access offset

FourCC: mfro

Specification: ISO

pub const MINF: BoxCode = _

media information container

FourCC: minf

Specification: ISO

pub const MJHD: BoxCode = _

reserved for MPEG-J Stream header

FourCC: mjhd

Specification: MP4v1

pub const MOOF: BoxCode = _

movie fragment

FourCC: moof

Specification: ISO

pub const MOOV: BoxCode = _

container for all the meta-data

FourCC: moov

Specification: ISO

pub const MSTV: BoxCode = _

MVC sub track view box

FourCC: mstv

Specification: NALu Video

pub const MVCG: BoxCode = _

Multiview group

FourCC: mvcg

Specification: NALu Video

pub const MVCI: BoxCode = _

Multiview Information

FourCC: mvci

Specification: NALu Video

pub const MVDR: BoxCode = _


FourCC: mvdr

Specification: NALu Video

pub const MVEX: BoxCode = _

movie extends box

FourCC: mvex

Specification: ISO

pub const MVHD: BoxCode = _

movie header, overall declarations

FourCC: mvhd

Specification: ISO

pub const MVRA: BoxCode = _

Multiview Relation Attribute

FourCC: mvra

Specification: NALu Video

pub const NMHD: BoxCode = _

Null media header, overall information (some tracks only)

FourCC: nmhd

Specification: ISO

pub const OCHD: BoxCode = _

reserved for ObjectContentInfoStream header

FourCC: ochd

Specification: MP4v1

pub const ODAF: BoxCode = _

OMA DRM Access Unit Format

FourCC: odaf

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const ODDA: BoxCode = _

OMA DRM Content Object

FourCC: odda

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const ODHD: BoxCode = _

reserved for ObjectDescriptorStream header

FourCC: odhd

Specification: MP4v1

pub const ODHE: BoxCode = _

OMA DRM Discrete Media Headers

FourCC: odhe

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const ODRB: BoxCode = _

OMA DRM Rights Object

FourCC: odrb

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const ODRM: BoxCode = _

OMA DRM Container

FourCC: odrm

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const ODTT: BoxCode = _

OMA DRM Transaction Tracking

FourCC: odtt

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const OHDR: BoxCode = _

OMA DRM Common headers

FourCC: ohdr

Specification: OMA DRM 2.0

pub const OTYP: BoxCode = _

Original file type

FourCC: otyp

Specification: ISO

pub const PADB: BoxCode = _

sample padding bits

FourCC: padb

Specification: ISO

pub const PAEN: BoxCode = _

Partition Entry

FourCC: paen

Specification: ISO

pub const PCLR: BoxCode = _

palette which maps a single component in index space to a multiple- component image

FourCC: pclr

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const PDAT: BoxCode = _

Partial Data

FourCC: pdat

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const PDIN: BoxCode = _

Progressive download information

FourCC: pdin

Specification: ISO

pub const PFHD: BoxCode = _

Partial File Header

FourCC: pfhd

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const PFIL: BoxCode = _

Partial File

FourCC: pfil

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const PITM: BoxCode = _

primary item reference

FourCC: pitm

Specification: ISO

pub const PLOC: BoxCode = _

Partial Segment Location

FourCC: ploc

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const PNOT: BoxCode = _


FourCC: pnot

Specification: ISO

pub const PRFT: BoxCode = _

Producer reference time

FourCC: prft

Specification: ISO

pub const PSEG: BoxCode = _

Partial Segment

FourCC: pseg

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const PSHD: BoxCode = _

Partial Segment Header

FourCC: pshd

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const PSSH: BoxCode = _

Protection system specific header

FourCC: pssh

Specification: ISO Common Encryption

pub const PTLE: BoxCode = _

Partial Top Level Entry

FourCC: ptle

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const RES: BoxCode = _

grid resolution

FourCC: res

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const RESC: BoxCode = _

grid resolution at which the image was captured

FourCC: resc

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const RESD: BoxCode = _

default grid resolution at which the image should be displayed

FourCC: resd

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const RINF: BoxCode = _

restricted scheme information box

FourCC: rinf

Specification: ISO

pub const SAIO: BoxCode = _

Sample auxiliary information offsets

FourCC: saio

Specification: ISO

pub const SAIZ: BoxCode = _

Sample auxiliary information sizes

FourCC: saiz

Specification: ISO

pub const SBGP: BoxCode = _

Sample to Group box

FourCC: sbgp

Specification: ISO

pub const SCHI: BoxCode = _

scheme information box

FourCC: schi

Specification: ISO

pub const SCHM: BoxCode = _

scheme type box

FourCC: schm

Specification: ISO

pub const SDEP: BoxCode = _

Sample dependency

FourCC: sdep

Specification: NALu Video

pub const SDHD: BoxCode = _

reserved for SceneDescriptionStream header

FourCC: sdhd

Specification: MP4v1

pub const SDTP: BoxCode = _

Independent and Disposable Samples Box

FourCC: sdtp

Specification: ISO

pub const SDVP: BoxCode = _

SD Profile Box

FourCC: sdvp

Specification: SDV

pub const SEGR: BoxCode = _

file delivery session group

FourCC: segr

Specification: ISO

pub const SEII: BoxCode = _

SEI information box

FourCC: seii

Specification: NALu Video

pub const SENC: BoxCode = _

Sample specific encryption data

FourCC: senc

Specification: ISO Common Encryption

pub const SGPD: BoxCode = _

Sample group definition box

FourCC: sgpd

Specification: ISO

pub const SIDX: BoxCode = _

Segment Index Box

FourCC: sidx

Specification: ISO

pub const SINF: BoxCode = _

protection scheme information box

FourCC: sinf

Specification: ISO

pub const SKIP: BoxCode = _

free space

FourCC: skip

Specification: ISO

pub const SMHD: BoxCode = _

sound media header, overall information (sound track only)

FourCC: smhd

Specification: ISO

pub const SRMB: BoxCode = _

System Renewability Message

FourCC: srmb

Specification: DVB

pub const SRMC: BoxCode = _

System Renewability Message container

FourCC: srmc

Specification: DVB

pub const SRPP: BoxCode = _

STRP Process

FourCC: srpp

Specification: ISO

pub const SSIX: BoxCode = _

Sub-sample index

FourCC: ssix

Specification: ISO

pub const SSTL: BoxCode = _

SVC sub track layer box

FourCC: sstl

Specification: NALu Video

pub const STBL: BoxCode = _

sample table box, container for the time/space map

FourCC: stbl

Specification: ISO

pub const STCO: BoxCode = _

chunk offset, partial data-offset information

FourCC: stco

Specification: ISO

pub const STDP: BoxCode = _

sample degradation priority

FourCC: stdp

Specification: ISO

pub const STHD: BoxCode = _

Subtitle Media Header Box

FourCC: sthd

Specification: ISO

pub const STMG: BoxCode = _

MVC sub track multiview group box

FourCC: stmg

Specification: NALu Video

pub const STRD: BoxCode = _

Sub-track definition

FourCC: strd

Specification: ISO

pub const STRI: BoxCode = _

Sub-track information

FourCC: stri

Specification: ISO

pub const STSC: BoxCode = _

sample-to-chunk, partial data-offset information

FourCC: stsc

Specification: ISO

pub const STSD: BoxCode = _

sample descriptions (codec types, initialization etc.)

FourCC: stsd

Specification: ISO

pub const STSG: BoxCode = _

Sub-track sample grouping

FourCC: stsg

Specification: ISO

pub const STSH: BoxCode = _

shadow sync sample table

FourCC: stsh

Specification: ISO

pub const STSS: BoxCode = _

sync sample table (random access points)

FourCC: stss

Specification: ISO

pub const STSZ: BoxCode = _

sample sizes (framing)

FourCC: stsz

Specification: ISO

pub const STTI: BoxCode = _

Sub track tier box

FourCC: stti

Specification: NALu Video

pub const STTS: BoxCode = _

(decoding) time-to-sample

FourCC: stts

Specification: ISO

pub const STYP: BoxCode = _

Segment Type Box

FourCC: styp

Specification: ISO

pub const STZ2: BoxCode = _

compact sample sizes (framing)

FourCC: stz2

Specification: ISO

pub const SUBS: BoxCode = _

Sub-sample information

FourCC: subs

Specification: ISO

pub const SUEP: BoxCode = _

signer identity information

FourCC: suep

Specification: ONVIF

pub const SUMI: BoxCode = _

supplemental surveillance meta information

FourCC: sumi

Specification: MPEG-VSAF

pub const SURL: BoxCode = _

Source URL

FourCC: surl

Specification: ISO-Partial

pub const SWTC: BoxCode = _

Multiview Group Relation

FourCC: swtc

Specification: NALu Video

pub const TENC: BoxCode = _

Track Encryption

FourCC: tenc

Specification: ISO Common Encryption

pub const TFAD: BoxCode = _

Track fragment adjustment box

FourCC: tfad

Specification: 3GPP

pub const TFDT: BoxCode = _

Track fragment decode time

FourCC: tfdt

Specification: ISO

pub const TFHD: BoxCode = _

Track fragment header

FourCC: tfhd

Specification: ISO

pub const TFMA: BoxCode = _

Track fragment media adjustment box

FourCC: tfma

Specification: 3GPP

pub const TFRA: BoxCode = _

Track fragment radom access

FourCC: tfra

Specification: ISO

pub const TIBR: BoxCode = _

Tier Bit rate

FourCC: tibr

Specification: NALu Video

pub const TIRI: BoxCode = _

Tier Information

FourCC: tiri

Specification: NALu Video

pub const TKHD: BoxCode = _

Track header, overall information about the track

FourCC: tkhd

Specification: ISO

pub const TRAF: BoxCode = _

Track fragment

FourCC: traf

Specification: ISO

pub const TRAK: BoxCode = _

container for an individual track or stream

FourCC: trak

Specification: ISO

pub const TREF: BoxCode = _

track reference container

FourCC: tref

Specification: ISO

pub const TREP: BoxCode = _

track extension properties

FourCC: trep

Specification: ISO

pub const TREX: BoxCode = _

track extends defaults

FourCC: trex

Specification: ISO

pub const TRGR: BoxCode = _

Track grouping information

FourCC: trgr

Specification: ISO

pub const TRIK: BoxCode = _

Facilitates random access and trick play modes

FourCC: trik

Specification: DECE

pub const TRUN: BoxCode = _

track fragment run

FourCC: trun

Specification: ISO

pub const TSTB: BoxCode = _


FourCC: tstb

Specification: NALu Video

pub const TTYP: BoxCode = _

track type and compatibility

FourCC: ttyp

Specification: ISO

pub const TYCO: BoxCode = _

type and-combination

FourCC: tyco

Specification: ISO

pub const UDTA: BoxCode = _


FourCC: udta

Specification: ISO

pub const UINF: BoxCode = _

a tool by which a vendor may provide access to additional information associated with a UUID

FourCC: uinf

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const UITS: BoxCode = _

Unique Identifier Technology Solution


Specification: Universal Music Group

pub const ULST: BoxCode = _

a list of UUID’s

FourCC: ulst

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const URL: BoxCode = _


FourCC: url

Specification: JPEG2000

pub const UUID: BoxCode = _

user-extension box

FourCC: uuid

Specification: ISO

pub const VMHD: BoxCode = _

video media header, overall information (video track only)

FourCC: vmhd

Specification: ISO

pub const VWDI: BoxCode = _

Multiview Scene Information

FourCC: vwdi

Specification: NALu Video

pub const XML: BoxCode = _

XML container

FourCC: xml

Specification: ISO

pub const COMPRESSED_MOF: BoxCode = _

Compressed movie fragment

FourCC: !mof

Specification: ISO

pub const COMPRESSED_MOV: BoxCode = _

Compressed movie

FourCC: !mov

Specification: ISO

pub const COMPRESSED_SIX: BoxCode = _

Compressed segment index

FourCC: !six

Specification: ISO

pub const COMPRESSED_SSX: BoxCode = _

Compressed subsegment index

FourCC: !ssx

Specification: ISO

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for BoxCode


fn clone(&self) -> BoxCode

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for BoxCode


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl From<BoxCode> for FourCC


fn from(val: BoxCode) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<FourCC> for BoxCode


fn from(val: FourCC) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl PartialEq for BoxCode


fn eq(&self, other: &BoxCode) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Copy for BoxCode


impl Eq for BoxCode


impl StructuralPartialEq for BoxCode

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.