Component: The active tab in a tabbed container.
Component: Whether the viewport layout is determined automatically.
Component: Whether or not space views should be created automatically.
Component: The layout share of a column in the container.
Component: How many columns a grid container should have.
Component: All the contents in the container.
Component: The unique id of a space view, used to refer to views in containers.
Component: Indicate whether the range should be locked when zooming in on the data.
Component: Whether an application panel is expanded or not.
Component: An individual QueryExpression
used to filter a set of EntityPath
Component: The container that sits at the root of a viewport.
Component: The layout share of a row in the container.
Component: The class of a SpaceView
Component: Whether a space view is maximized.
Component: The origin of a SpaceView
Component: Hash of a viewer recommendation.
Component: Whether the container, space view, entity or instance is currently visible.
Component: The range of values on a given timeline that will be included in a view’s query.
Component: Visual bounds in 2D space used for Spatial2DView