macro_rules! impl_ops {
for $int:ident | $prim:ident {
add => $add2:ident, $add3:ident, $addc:ident;
mul => $mul2:ident, $mul3:ident, $mulc:ident;
sub => $sub2:ident, $sub3:ident, $subc:ident;
div => $div2:ident, $div3:ident;
rem => $rem2:ident, $rem3:ident;
shl => $shl2:ident, $shl3:ident;
shr => $shr2:ident, $shr3:ident;
) => {
__impl_ops_binop! {
for $int | $prim
impl Add {
+ add => $add3, $addc; "add with overflow"
impl Mul {
* mul => $mul3, $mulc; "multiply with overflow"
impl Sub {
- sub => $sub3, $subc; "subtract with overflow"
__impl_ops_divmod! {
for $int | $prim
impl Div {
/ div => $div3; "divide by zero"
impl Rem {
% rem => $rem3; "calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero"
__impl_ops_shift! {
for $int
impl Shl {
<< shl => $shl3; "shift left with overflow"
impl Shr {
>> shr => $shr3; "shift right with overflow"
__impl_ops_unop! {
impl Not for $int {
not(x) {
let $int([a, b]) = x;
$int([!a, !b])
__impl_ops_bitwise! {
for $int | $prim
impl BitAnd {
& bitand;
impl BitOr {
| bitor;
impl BitXor {
^ bitxor;
__impl_ops_binop_assign! {
for $int | $prim
impl AddAssign {
+= add_assign => $add2, +;
impl DivAssign {
/= div_assign => $div2, /;
impl MulAssign {
*= mul_assign => $mul2, *;
impl RemAssign {
%= rem_assign => $rem2, %;
impl SubAssign {
-= sub_assign => $sub2, -;
__impl_ops_shift_assign! {
for $int
impl ShlAssign {
<<= shl_assign => $shl2, <<;
impl ShrAssign {
>>= shr_assign => $shr2, >>;
__impl_ops_bitwise_assign! {
for $int | $prim
impl BitAndAssign {
&= bitand_assign;
impl BitOrAssign {
|= bitor_assign;
impl BitXorAssign {
^= bitxor_assign;
macro_rules! impl_ops_neg {
for $int:ident {
add => $add2:ident;
) => {
__impl_ops_unop! {
impl Neg for $int {
neg(x) {
if x.eq(&I256::MIN) {
panic!("attempt to negate with overflow");
let mut result = !x;
$add2(&mut result, &$int::ONE);
macro_rules! __impl_ops_binop {
for $int:ident | $prim:ident
impl $op:ident {
$x:tt $method:ident => $op3:path, $opc:path; $msg:expr
) => {$(
impl ::core::ops::$op for &'_ $int {
type Output = $int;
fn $method(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
let mut result = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
$op3(&mut result, self, rhs);
if $opc(&mut result, self, rhs) {
panic!(concat!("attempt to ", $msg));
unsafe { result.assume_init() }
__impl_ops_binop_extra_variants! {
impl $op for $int | $prim { $method = $x }
macro_rules! __impl_ops_binop_extra_variants {
impl $op:ident for $int:ident | $prim:ident { $method:ident = $x:tt }
) => {
__impl_ops_binop_ref! {
impl $op for $int {
$method(a: &'_ $int, b: $int) { a $x &b };
$method(a: $int, b: &'_ $int) { &a $x b };
$method(a: $int, b: $int) { &a $x &b };
$method(a: &'_ $int, b: $prim) { a $x $int::new(b) };
$method(a: &'_ $int, b: &'_ $prim) { a $x *b };
$method(a: $int, b: &'_ $prim) { &a $x *b };
$method(a: $int, b: $prim) { &a $x b };
$method(a: $prim, b: &'_ $int) { $int::new(a) $x b };
$method(a: &'_ $prim, b: &'_ $int) { *a $x b };
$method(a: &'_ $prim, b: $int) { *a $x &b };
$method(a: $prim, b: $int) { a $x &b };
macro_rules! __impl_ops_binop_ref {
impl $op:ident for $int:ident {$(
$method:ident($lhs:ident: $lhst:ty, $rhs:ident: $rhst:ty) $impl:block;
) => {$(
impl ::core::ops::$op<$rhst> for $lhst {
type Output = $int;
fn $method(self, rhs: $rhst) -> Self::Output {
let ($lhs, $rhs) = (self, rhs);
macro_rules! __impl_ops_divmod {
for $int:ident | $prim:ident
impl $op:ident {
$x:tt $method:ident => $op3:path; $msg:expr
) => {$(
impl ::core::ops::$op for &'_ $int {
type Output = $int;
fn $method(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
if *rhs == 0 {
panic!(concat!("attempt to ", $msg));
let mut result = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
$op3(&mut result, self, rhs);
unsafe { result.assume_init() }
__impl_ops_binop_extra_variants! {
impl $op for $int | $prim { $method = $x }
macro_rules! __impl_ops_shift {
for $int:ident
impl $op:ident {
$x:tt $method:ident => $op3:path; $msg:expr
) => {$(
impl ::core::ops::$op<u32> for &'_ $int {
type Output = $int;
fn $method(self, rhs: u32) -> Self::Output {
if rhs > 0xff {
panic!(concat!("attempt to ", $msg));
let mut result = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
$op3(&mut result, self, rhs);
unsafe { result.assume_init() }
__impl_ops_shift_extra_variants! {
impl $op for $int { $method = $x }
macro_rules! __impl_ops_shift_extra_variants {
impl $op:ident for $int:ident { $method:ident = $x:tt }
) => {
__impl_ops_binop_ref! {
impl $op for $int {
$method(a: &'_ $int, b: &'_ u32) { a $x *b };
$method(a: $int, b: &'_ u32) { &a $x *b };
$method(a: $int, b: u32) { &a $x b };
__impl_ops_shift_extra_variants! { __inner:
impl $op<$crate::int::I256, $crate::uint::U256> for $int {
$method = $x
|b| { b.as_u32() }
__impl_ops_shift_extra_variants! { __inner:
impl $op<i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize, u8, u16, u64, u128, usize> for $int {
$method = $x
|b| { b as u32 }
impl $op:ident <$($lhst:ty),*> for $int:ident
{ $method:ident = $x:tt |$lhs:ident| $conv:block }
) => {$(
__impl_ops_binop_ref! {
impl $op for $int {
$method(a: &'_ $int, $lhs: $lhst) {
let b = $conv;
let b = u32::try_from($lhs).unwrap_or(u32::MAX);
a $x b
$method(a: &'_ $int, b: &'_ $lhst) { a $x *b };
$method(a: $int, b: &'_ $lhst) { &a $x *b };
$method(a: $int, b: $lhst) { &a $x b };
macro_rules! __impl_ops_unop {
impl $op:ident for $int:ident {
$method:ident($self:ident) $impl:block
) => {
impl ::core::ops::$op for $int {
type Output = $int;
fn $method(self) -> Self::Output {
let $self = self;
impl ::core::ops::$op for &'_ $int {
type Output = $int;
fn $method(self) -> Self::Output {
let $self = self;
macro_rules! __impl_ops_bitwise {
for $int:ident | $prim:ident
impl $op:ident {
$x:tt $method:ident;
) => {$(
impl ::core::ops::$op<&'_ $int> for &'_ $int {
type Output = $int;
fn $method(self, rhs: &'_ $int) -> Self::Output {
let $int([a0, a1]) = self;
let $int([b0, b1]) = rhs;
$int([a0 $x b0, a1 $x b1])
__impl_ops_binop_extra_variants! {
impl $op for $int | $prim { $method = $x }
macro_rules! __impl_ops_binop_assign {
for $int:ident | $prim:ident
impl $op:ident {
$x:tt $method:ident => $op2:path, $y:tt;
) => {$(
impl ::core::ops::$op<&'_ $int> for $int {
fn $method(&mut self, rhs: &'_ $int) {
$op2(self, rhs);
*self = &*self $y rhs;
__impl_ops_binop_assign_extra_variants! {
impl $op for $int | $prim { $method = $x }
macro_rules! __impl_ops_binop_assign_extra_variants {
impl $op:ident for $int:ident | $prim:ident { $method:ident = $x:tt }
) => {
__impl_ops_binop_assign_ref! {
impl $op for $int {
$method(a, b: $int) { *a $x &b };
$method(a, b: $prim) { *a $x $int::new(b) };
$method(a, b: &'_ $prim) { *a $x *b };
macro_rules! __impl_ops_binop_assign_ref {
impl $op:ident for $int:ident {$(
$method:ident($self:ident, $rhs:ident: $rhst:ty) $impl:block;
) => {$(
impl ::core::ops::$op<$rhst> for $int {
fn $method(&mut self, rhs: $rhst) {
let ($self, $rhs) = (self, rhs);
macro_rules! __impl_ops_shift_assign {
for $int:ident
impl $op:ident {
$x:tt $method:ident => $op2:path, $y:tt;
) => {$(
impl ::core::ops::$op<u32> for $int {
fn $method(&mut self, rhs: u32) {
$op2(self, rhs);
*self = &*self $y rhs;
__impl_ops_shift_assign_extra_variants! {
impl $op for $int { $method = $x }
macro_rules! __impl_ops_shift_assign_extra_variants {
impl $op:ident for $int:ident { $method:ident = $x:tt }
) => {
__impl_ops_binop_assign_ref! {
impl $op for $int {
$method(a, b: &'_ u32) { *a $x *b };
__impl_ops_shift_assign_extra_variants! { __inner:
impl $op<$crate::int::I256, $crate::uint::U256> for $int {
$method = $x
|b| { b.as_u32() }
__impl_ops_shift_assign_extra_variants! { __inner:
impl $op<i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize, u8, u16, u64, u128, usize> for $int {
$method = $x
|b| { b as u32 }
impl $op:ident <$($lhst:ty),*> for $int:ident
{ $method:ident = $x:tt |$lhs:ident| $conv:block }
) => {$(
__impl_ops_binop_assign_ref! {
impl $op for $int {
$method(a, $lhs: $lhst) {
let b = $conv;
let b = u32::try_from($lhs).unwrap_or(u32::MAX);
*a $x b
$method(a, b: &'_ $lhst) { *a $x *b };
macro_rules! __impl_ops_bitwise_assign {
for $int:ident | $prim:ident
impl $op:ident {
$x:tt $method:ident;
) => {$(
impl ::core::ops::$op<&'_ $int> for $int {
fn $method(&mut self, rhs: &'_ $int) {
let $int([a0, a1]) = self;
let $int([b0, b1]) = rhs;
*a0 $x b0;
*a1 $x b1;
__impl_ops_binop_assign_extra_variants! {
impl $op for $int | $prim { $method = $x }