use std::fmt;
use mutate_once::MutOnce;
use crate::endian::{Endian, BigEndian, LittleEndian};
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::tag::{Context, Tag, UnitPiece};
use crate::value;
use crate::value::Value;
use crate::value::get_type_info;
use crate::util::{atou16, ctou32};
const TIFF_BE: u16 = 0x4d4d;
const TIFF_LE: u16 = 0x4949;
const TIFF_FORTY_TWO: u16 = 0x002a;
pub const TIFF_BE_SIG: [u8; 4] = [0x4d, 0x4d, 0x00, 0x2a];
pub const TIFF_LE_SIG: [u8; 4] = [0x49, 0x49, 0x2a, 0x00];
pub struct IfdEntry {
field: MutOnce<Field>,
impl IfdEntry {
pub fn ifd_num_tag(&self) -> (In, Tag) {
if self.field.is_fixed() {
let field = self.field.get_ref();
(field.ifd_num, field.tag)
} else {
let field = self.field.get_mut();
(field.ifd_num, field.tag)
pub fn ref_field<'a>(&'a self, data: &[u8], le: bool) -> &'a Field {
self.parse(data, le);
fn into_field(self, data: &[u8], le: bool) -> Field {
self.parse(data, le);
fn parse(&self, data: &[u8], le: bool) {
if !self.field.is_fixed() {
let mut field = self.field.get_mut();
if le {
Self::parse_value::<LittleEndian>(&mut field.value, data);
} else {
Self::parse_value::<BigEndian>(&mut field.value, data);
fn parse_value<E>(value: &mut Value, data: &[u8]) where E: Endian {
match *value {
Value::Unknown(typ, cnt, ofs) => {
let (unitlen, parser) = get_type_info::<E>(typ);
if unitlen != 0 {
*value = parser(data, ofs as usize, cnt as usize);
_ => panic!("value is already parsed"),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Field {
pub tag: Tag,
pub ifd_num: In,
pub value: Value,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct In(pub u16);
impl In {
pub const PRIMARY: In = In(0);
pub const THUMBNAIL: In = In(1);
pub fn index(self) -> u16 {
impl fmt::Display for In {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self.0 {
0 => f.pad("primary"),
1 => f.pad("thumbnail"),
n => f.pad(&format!("IFD{}", n)),
pub fn parse_exif(data: &[u8]) -> Result<(Vec<Field>, bool), Error> {
let mut parser = Parser::new();
let (entries, le) = (parser.entries, parser.little_endian);
Ok((entries.into_iter().map(|e| e.into_field(data, le)).collect(), le))
pub struct Parser {
pub entries: Vec<IfdEntry>,
pub little_endian: bool,
impl Parser {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { entries: Vec::new(), little_endian: false }
pub fn parse(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
if data.len() < 8 {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Truncated TIFF header"));
match BigEndian::loadu16(data, 0) {
TIFF_BE => {
self.little_endian = false;
TIFF_LE => {
self.little_endian = true;
_ => Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Invalid TIFF byte order")),
fn parse_sub<E>(&mut self, data: &[u8])
-> Result<(), Error> where E: Endian {
if E::loadu16(data, 2) != TIFF_FORTY_TWO {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Invalid forty two"));
let mut ifd_offset = E::loadu32(data, 4) as usize;
let mut ifd_num_ck = Some(0);
while ifd_offset != 0 {
let ifd_num = ifd_num_ck
.ok_or(Error::InvalidFormat("Too many IFDs"))?;
if ifd_num >= 8 {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Limit the IFD count to 8"));
ifd_offset = self.parse_ifd::<E>(
data, ifd_offset, Context::Tiff, ifd_num)?;
ifd_num_ck = ifd_num.checked_add(1);
fn parse_ifd<E>(&mut self, data: &[u8],
offset: usize, ctx: Context, ifd_num: u16)
-> Result<usize, Error> where E: Endian {
if data.len() < offset || data.len() - offset < 2 {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Truncated IFD count"));
let count = E::loadu16(data, offset) as usize;
if data.len() - offset - 2 < count * 12 {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Truncated IFD"));
for i in 0..count as usize {
let tag = E::loadu16(data, offset + 2 + i * 12);
let typ = E::loadu16(data, offset + 2 + i * 12 + 2);
let cnt = E::loadu32(data, offset + 2 + i * 12 + 4);
let valofs_at = offset + 2 + i * 12 + 8;
let (unitlen, _parser) = get_type_info::<E>(typ);
let vallen = unitlen.checked_mul(cnt as usize).ok_or(
Error::InvalidFormat("Invalid entry count"))?;
let mut val = if vallen <= 4 {
Value::Unknown(typ, cnt, valofs_at as u32)
} else {
let ofs = E::loadu32(data, valofs_at) as usize;
if data.len() < ofs || data.len() - ofs < vallen {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Truncated field value"));
Value::Unknown(typ, cnt, ofs as u32)
let tag = Tag(ctx, tag);
match tag {
Tag::ExifIFDPointer => self.parse_child_ifd::<E>(
data, &mut val, Context::Exif, ifd_num)?,
Tag::GPSInfoIFDPointer => self.parse_child_ifd::<E>(
data, &mut val, Context::Gps, ifd_num)?,
Tag::InteropIFDPointer => self.parse_child_ifd::<E>(
data, &mut val, Context::Interop, ifd_num)?,
_ => self.entries.push(IfdEntry { field: Field {
tag: tag, ifd_num: In(ifd_num), value: val }.into()}),
if data.len() - offset - 2 - count * 12 < 4 {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Truncated next IFD offset"));
let next_ifd_offset = E::loadu32(data, offset + 2 + count * 12);
Ok(next_ifd_offset as usize)
fn parse_child_ifd<E>(&mut self, data: &[u8],
pointer: &mut Value, ctx: Context, ifd_num: u16)
-> Result<(), Error> where E: Endian {
IfdEntry::parse_value::<E>(pointer, data);
let ofs = pointer.get_uint(0).ok_or(
Error::InvalidFormat("Invalid pointer"))? as usize;
match self.parse_ifd::<E>(data, ofs, ctx, ifd_num)? {
0 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Unexpected next IFD")),
pub fn is_tiff(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {
buf.starts_with(&TIFF_BE_SIG) || buf.starts_with(&TIFF_LE_SIG)
pub struct DateTime {
pub year: u16,
pub month: u8,
pub day: u8,
pub hour: u8,
pub minute: u8,
pub second: u8,
pub nanosecond: Option<u32>,
pub offset: Option<i16>,
impl DateTime {
pub fn from_ascii(data: &[u8]) -> Result<DateTime, Error> {
if data == b" : : : : " || data == b" " {
return Err(Error::BlankValue("DateTime is blank"));
} else if data.len() < 19 {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("DateTime too short"));
} else if !(data[4] == b':' && data[7] == b':' && data[10] == b' ' &&
data[13] == b':' && data[16] == b':') {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Invalid DateTime delimiter"));
Ok(DateTime {
year: atou16(&data[0..4])?,
month: atou16(&data[5..7])? as u8,
day: atou16(&data[8..10])? as u8,
hour: atou16(&data[11..13])? as u8,
minute: atou16(&data[14..16])? as u8,
second: atou16(&data[17..19])? as u8,
nanosecond: None,
offset: None,
pub fn parse_subsec(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut subsec = 0;
let mut ndigits = 0;
for &c in data {
if c == b' ' {
subsec = subsec * 10 + ctou32(c)?;
ndigits += 1;
if ndigits >= 9 {
if ndigits == 0 {
self.nanosecond = None;
} else {
for _ in ndigits..9 {
subsec *= 10;
self.nanosecond = Some(subsec);
pub fn parse_offset(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
if data == b" : " || data == b" " {
return Err(Error::BlankValue("OffsetTime is blank"));
} else if data.len() < 6 {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("OffsetTime too short"));
} else if data[3] != b':' {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Invalid OffsetTime delimiter"));
let hour = atou16(&data[1..3])?;
let min = atou16(&data[4..6])?;
let offset = (hour * 60 + min) as i16;
self.offset = Some(match data[0] {
b'+' => offset,
b'-' => -offset,
_ => return Err(Error::InvalidFormat("Invalid OffsetTime sign")),
impl fmt::Display for DateTime {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:04}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}:{:02}",
self.year, self.month,,
self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
impl Field {
pub fn display_value(&self) -> DisplayValue {
DisplayValue {
tag: self.tag,
ifd_num: self.ifd_num,
value_display: self.value.display_as(self.tag),
pub struct DisplayValue<'a> {
tag: Tag,
ifd_num: In,
value_display: value::Display<'a>,
impl<'a> DisplayValue<'a> {
pub fn with_unit<T>(&self, unit_provider: T)
-> DisplayValueUnit<'a, T> where T: ProvideUnit<'a> {
DisplayValueUnit {
ifd_num: self.ifd_num,
value_display: self.value_display,
unit: self.tag.unit(),
unit_provider: unit_provider,
impl<'a> fmt::Display for DisplayValue<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
pub struct DisplayValueUnit<'a, T> where T: ProvideUnit<'a> {
ifd_num: In,
value_display: value::Display<'a>,
unit: Option<&'static [UnitPiece]>,
unit_provider: T,
impl<'a, T> fmt::Display for DisplayValueUnit<'a, T> where T: ProvideUnit<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if let Some(unit) = self.unit {
for piece in unit {
match *piece {
UnitPiece::Value => self.value_display.fmt(f),
UnitPiece::Str(s) => f.write_str(s),
UnitPiece::Tag(tag) =>
if let Some(x) = self.unit_provider.get_field(
tag, self.ifd_num) {
} else if let Some(x) = tag.default_value() {
} else {
write!(f, "[{} missing]", tag)
} else {
pub trait ProvideUnit<'a>: Copy {
fn get_field(self, tag: Tag, ifd_num: In) -> Option<&'a Field>;
impl<'a> ProvideUnit<'a> for () {
fn get_field(self, _tag: Tag, _ifd_num: In) -> Option<&'a Field> {
impl<'a> ProvideUnit<'a> for &'a Field {
fn get_field(self, tag: Tag, ifd_num: In) -> Option<&'a Field> {
Some(self).filter(|x| x.tag == tag && x.ifd_num == ifd_num)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn in_convert() {
assert_eq!(In::PRIMARY.index(), 0);
assert_eq!(In::THUMBNAIL.index(), 1);
assert_eq!(In(2).index(), 2);
assert_eq!(In(65535).index(), 65535);
assert_eq!(In::PRIMARY, In(0));
fn in_display() {
assert_eq!(format!("{:10}", In::PRIMARY), "primary ");
assert_eq!(format!("{:>10}", In::THUMBNAIL), " thumbnail");
assert_eq!(format!("{:10}", In(2)), "IFD2 ");
assert_eq!(format!("{:^10}", In(65535)), " IFD65535 ");
fn truncated() {
let mut data =
while let Some(_) = data.pop() {
fn inf_loop_by_next() {
let data = b"MM\0\x2a\0\0\0\x08\
Error::InvalidFormat("Limit the IFD count to 8"));
fn inf_loop_by_exif_next() {
let data = b"MM\x00\x2a\x00\x00\x00\x08\
Error::InvalidFormat("Unexpected next IFD"));
fn unknown_field() {
let data = b"MM\0\x2a\0\0\0\x08\
let (v, _le) = parse_exif(data).unwrap();
assert_eq!(v.len(), 1);
assert_pat!(v[0].value, Value::Unknown(0xffff, 1, 0x12));
fn date_time() {
let mut dt = DateTime::from_ascii(b"2016:05:04 03:02:01").unwrap();
assert_eq!(dt.year, 2016);
assert_eq!(dt.to_string(), "2016-05-04 03:02:01");
assert_eq!(dt.nanosecond.unwrap(), 987000000);
assert_eq!(dt.nanosecond.unwrap(), 987000);
assert_eq!(dt.nanosecond.unwrap(), 987654321);
assert_eq!(dt.nanosecond.unwrap(), 987654321);
dt.parse_subsec(b"130 ").unwrap();
assert_eq!(dt.nanosecond.unwrap(), 130000000);
assert_eq!(dt.nanosecond.unwrap(), 0);
dt.parse_subsec(b" ").unwrap();
assert_eq!(dt.offset.unwrap(), 0);
assert_eq!(dt.offset.unwrap(), 83);
assert_eq!(dt.offset.unwrap(), 6039);
assert_eq!(dt.offset.unwrap(), -83);
assert_eq!(dt.offset.unwrap(), -6039);
assert_err_pat!(dt.parse_offset(b" : "), Error::BlankValue(_));
assert_err_pat!(dt.parse_offset(b" "), Error::BlankValue(_));
fn display_value_with_unit() {
let cm = Field {
tag: Tag::ResolutionUnit,
ifd_num: In::PRIMARY,
value: Value::Short(vec![3]),
let cm_tn = Field {
tag: Tag::ResolutionUnit,
ifd_num: In::THUMBNAIL,
value: Value::Short(vec![3]),
let exifver = Field {
tag: Tag::ExifVersion,
ifd_num: In::PRIMARY,
value: Value::Undefined(b"0231".to_vec(), 0),
let width = Field {
tag: Tag::ImageWidth,
ifd_num: In::PRIMARY,
value: Value::Short(vec![257]),
"257 pixels");
"257 pixels");
let xres = Field {
tag: Tag::XResolution,
ifd_num: In::PRIMARY,
value: Value::Rational(vec![(300, 1).into()]),
"300 pixels per inch");
"300 pixels per cm");
"300 pixels per inch");
let gpslat = Field {
tag: Tag::GPSLatitude,
ifd_num: In::PRIMARY,
value: Value::Rational(vec![
(10, 1).into(), (0, 1).into(), (1, 10).into()]),
"10 deg 0 min 0.1 sec");
"10 deg 0 min 0.1 sec [GPSLatitudeRef missing]");
"10 deg 0 min 0.1 sec [GPSLatitudeRef missing]");
fn no_borrow_no_move() {
let resunit = Field {
tag: Tag::ResolutionUnit,
ifd_num: In::PRIMARY,
value: Value::Short(vec![3]),
let d = resunit.display_value().with_unit(());
assert_eq!(d.to_string(), "cm");
let d1 = resunit.display_value();
let d2 = d1.with_unit(());
assert_eq!(d1.to_string(), "cm");
assert_eq!(d2.to_string(), "cm");